Experience Lasting Style and Durability

your laminate experts in Chico, CA

Rely on California Renovation in Chico, CA as your premier destination for exquisite laminate flooring solutions. With a wealth of experience in the flooring industry, we offer expert guidance to help you discover the perfect laminate flooring for your home. Whether you desire a contemporary ambiance for your living room or a resilient option for your kitchen, our knowledgeable team is here to assist you every step of the way.

Overhead view of laminate flooring | California Renovation


Busy days spent making memories with family and friends. Laughter echoing through the halls. And shared meals in the kitchen. With all these cherished moments, worrying about your flooring should be the last thing on your mind. That's where laminate flooring shines. Made with advanced technology, laminate offers the timeless look of natural wood, stone, or tile without the hefty price tag. Its wide array of colors, styles, and designs ensures there's a laminate to suit every home's unique needs. Its resilience against scratches, stains, and fading makes it perfect for high-traffic areas and bustling households with pets and children.

With laminate, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your floors will withstand the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing you to focus on creating more unforgettable memories with your loved ones.


Trust our professionals at California Renovation with your new laminate installation.

Laminate CARE &

Keep your laminate looking its best.